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Let our family take care of your family

The Rhythm & Rhyme Family!
Our family opened Rhythm & Rhyme in 2007. Since then our school has grown, and so has our family!
Pictured first are owners Cathy and Ray Hecht with daughters Jessica, and Caroline. Mrs. Cathy was our first head director, with Ms. Jess occupying various teaching positions before becoming assistant director, then head director until 2022. Mr. Ben (pictured above) taught preschool for the first eight years of the school, stepped into an administration role and now is working with middle and high school students.
Since then, Mrs. Jessica and Mr. Ben have married, and welcomed their daughter, Eleanor (born 2013), into the Rhythm & Rhyme family. Mrs. Cathy has returned as head director, Caroline as an assistant teacher, Jess, Ray, and Ben working in the background. Eleanor still loves coming in and attending the summer camp program each year!